中文科 |
聽、說: |
1. |
熟習普通話課堂用語,如: |
問候語: |
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老師好!/ X 老師早上好! |
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各位同學好! |
- |
老師再見! |
課堂用語: |
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上課、起立、敬禮、坐下。 |
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要發問,先舉手。 |
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課堂上不能談話。 |
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看著黑板。 |
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拿出你的課本。 |
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請打開課本。 |
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用普通話作答。 |
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要隔行書寫。 |
向老師表達意見: |
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請問老師,我可以上洗手間嗎? |
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老師,我覺得很冷。 |
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老師,我覺得很熱。 |
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老師,我覺得很不舒服。 |
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對不起老師,我聽不懂。 |
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對不起老師,我沒有帶課本。 |
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對不起老師,我沒有做功課。 |
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老師,我沒有鉛筆 / 沒有顏色筆。 |
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謝謝老師。 |
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請問老師,「x」字怎麼寫呢? |
2. |
能運用普通話作出簡單的溝通,如說出自己的名字、年齡、家庭成員、喜歡的活動 |
(如打球、跳繩、跑步等)、喜歡的食物(如水果、蛋糕、漢堡包等) |
3. |
能以完整的句子說話及回答問題,聲音須洪亮,吐字要清晰,並須注重禮儀 |
4. |
能說出包括時、地、人、事的句子 |
讀: |
5. |
。 |
寫: |
6. |
練習筆順,熟練以下四種筆順規則: |
法則 |
筆順 |
字例 |
先上後下 |
寫字時,筆畫要由上寫到下 |
三 |
先左後右 |
寫字時,筆畫要從左寫到右 |
州 |
先橫後直 |
. |
補充 (1) :若橫畫在下面,直畫又不穿過它,那又要按照「先上後下」的原則,橫畫最後寫 |
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補充 (2) :橫畫與撇相交,同樣是「先橫後撇」 |
先撇後捺 |
寫字時,遇到撇和捺,要先寫撇,後寫捺 |
人 |
另外六種最常見的筆順規則: |
法則 |
筆順 |
字例 |
先外後內 |
兩面包圍或三面包圍結構的字,一般要先寫外面,後寫裏面 |
句、月 |
「引」、「綽」偏旁最後寫 |
「建」、「造」兩字外圍的偏旁,粵音一個叫做「引」,一個叫做「綽」,俗稱「撐艇仔」,要最後寫 |
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橫畫突出最後寫 |
橫畫在字的中間、位置比較突出的,橫畫要最後寫 |
女 |
直畫貫穿最後寫 |
直畫貫穿其他筆畫,而下面沒有筆畫阻擋的,直畫要最後寫 |
中 |
先進去,後關門 |
四面包圍結構的字,要先寫外圍三面,再寫裏面,底下封口的一橫要最後寫 |
因 |
先中間,後兩邊 |
直畫在字的中間位置突出、不跟其他筆畫相交的字,要先寫中間的直畫 |
小 |
備註: |
每位學生會有一本筆記簿,主要供查字典及摘下課堂重點而設,方便學生自學及溫習之用。 |
General English |
1. |
Be able to understand basic classroom instructions and respond to common classroom language
(e.g. Please open your book and turn to page (3).)
Greetings and saying goodbye
Hello, (Stella).
Good morning, (Paul).
Good afternoon.
Goodbye, class.
Goodbye, (Mr Leung).
How are you today?
Goodbye and thank you,(Mr Leung).
Classroom routine
Stand up.
Sit down.
Line up.
Put your hands up / down.
Raise your hands.
Eyes and ears on me.
Stand still.
Sit straight.
Look at the blackboard.
Turn around, please.
Take out your book.
Take out your highlighter.
Turn to page (3).
Clean the blackboard, please.
You need (a ruler) and (a pencil).
Highlight / Underline / Circle the word(s).
Please read / repeat after me.
Speak in English, please.
Louder please.
Please say it again. I couldn't hear you.
Write your name here.
Write the date in the top right hand corner.
Write down the date.
Skip a line.
Can I help you?
Sorry, I forgot to bring my textbook.
I'm sorry. I forgot to do my homework.
May I go to the washroom, please?
May I have (some paper)?
May I borrow (your ruler)?
How do you spell / say it?
May I pick up (my eraser)?
Thank you, (Miss Li).
Excuse me.
Grouping the learners
Work in pairs.
Work with your neighbour.
Get into groups of two / three / four.
One student will be the group leader.
Try to do it by yourself.
Instructions for activities
You may start now.
Please stop what you are doing.
Distribution and collection of materials
Pass the worksheets to the front / back now.
Please put the books on my desk.
Please take the books to Teachers' Room 1/2.
Please go to Teachers' Room 1/2 and bring the books back.
Keep the worksheets in the folder.
Instructions for exercises / worksheets
Circle the correct word.
Underline the answer.
Colour the picture.
Write the correct letter / number in the brackets. Put a tick / cross in the box.
Fill in the blank with a suitable word.
Put the words / sentences into the correct order.
Finish the sentence.
Answer the questions.
2. |
Be able to spell the numbers one to twenty. |
3. |
Be able to read and spell the seven days of the week and the twelve months of the year. |
4. |
Be able to answer in complete sentences. |
5. |
Be able to read storybooks with about 150 – 200 words in them. |
6. |
Be able to spell and write their English names. E.g. Wong Yee Lam, Lucy |
數學科 |
範疇 |
必備能力 |
數 |
懂得數 0 - 50 的數字 |
認識 18 以內的加法及減法組合 |
能寫出 1 - 20 以內的順數和倒數 |
能掌握 1 - 20 奇數及偶數之順數/倒數,例如:1、3、5、7、9(奇數順數) |
度量 |
能閱讀月曆 |
認識一周有 7 天 |
一年有 12 個月 |
圖形與空間 |
能分辨各種圖形及認識其名稱,例如三角形、圓形、正方形及長方形 能以「上」、「下」、「左」、「右」描述物件的位置 能利用尺子繪畫直線 |
備註: |
每位學生會有一本筆記簿,主要是以用作於課堂上摘下重點及計算而設,方便他們在課餘溫習及自學之用。 |